by Gerald T. Ching


Coming in from the cold, I feel

the rush of heat that blasts from the furnace. I curl

and crunch my toes, wiggling them

in my heavily worn boots

while rubbing my hands together

to help work the circulation back.


Flush with the relief of warmth, I make way

to the kitchen table where you wait.

Shadows light your face grotesquely in the dimness

that illuminates the room. Hesitantly,

but with a confident air

I stride across the creaking wooden floor.


The air smells of memories, old and musky

their ghosts lingering. Smoke wafts

through the stagnant air from a forgotten cigarette,

the staleness giving way to the hazy deadness of yesteryear.


At the table you sit

surrounded by long defeated ghosts.

Your eyes shining in the dimness

strong and true, steadfast.

His strength holding you within yourself.

Unmoving and unwavering,

your calm demeanor eases

my own anxiousness.


With you by my side

and me by yours, our worries

float to the fire. Shrills and shrieks

light the furnace as the hazy mist

incinerates to ash, brightening

the small room with a new light of hope,

filling our souls with a fresh love,

and our minds with big dreams.


Together we hold all at bay;

together we are home.


Sadness welled in the pit of my heart

with the news of your departure. In that split

second, my heart fell from my chest

as grief overcame me.

Within the many tattered letters

that are now my keepsakes, your spirit lives on

as they are read in the privacy of loneliness.


A new season promises of joy

with the coming of Spring, a rebirth into a new life

with the melting of the snow. The first blossoms

yearning for nourishment are breaking

the hard packed ground, well rested

in the past long winter months;

their roots still having strength.

Their determination brings tears to these jaded eyes.


Collecting the first rays of sunshine, the seedlings

cry to the heavens, boldly announcing

their arrival to an indifferent world

as all newborns do when they are birthed.


Peering from the window of a fast moving car,

the blurred landscape of a passing world

covers the miles that these eyes see in all directions;

the misinterpreted vision lays heavy my eyelids. Sinking

into the plush leather upholstery

my thoughts drift into a gentler state of existence,

easing the creases in my brow; softening my face.


On the whispering winds my spirit catches a breeze, up

to the dizzying heights of pillow soft clouds – I fly

dreamily banking at impossible speeds, careening through

this ethereal dreamscape – I soar, drunkenly.

Through large patches of space my mind takes me.

Breaking through the cobwebs of old

that clutter my aging mind,

as my spirit soars through grace.